Prize for Longstanding Product Quality

We have been awarded the "Prize for Longstanding Product Quality" for the twelfth time by the Food Test Centre of the German Agricultural Society (DLG). The award stands for consistent striving for quality and is given to companies that have successfully passed the international quality tests of the DLG test centre for at least five consecutive years. "Quality must be filled with convincing content for consumers, it must be comprehensible and a consistent feature of a food product. The prize has precisely this claim, because with it the prize winners can document that they have had their food tested by the neutral experts of the DLG, in some cases for decades - a clear promise that expresses the will for consistent quality assurance," emphasises DLG President Hubertus Paetow.

In addition, our organic products were awarded four gold medals by the DLG test centre!
Our organic products were also tested as part of the international quality test. In this test, trained DLG testers with organic expertise assess above all the restrictive use of additives and certain processes that differ greatly from conventional food production. The results of the sensory product analysis, which is supplemented by a packaging and labelling test as well as further laboratory analyses, are decisive for an award.